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Write Your Scenes Faster and Better!

Mastering Your Scenes Just Got Easier...

Mastering Your Scenes Just Got Easier...

00:00 - Thing 1

Pizza ipsum dolor amet stuffed garlic parmesan mozzarella, melted cheese parmesan pepperoni black olives red onions onions thin crust spinach pie..

05:35 - Thing 3

Pizza ipsum dolor amet stuffed garlic parmesan mozzarella, melted cheese parmesan pepperoni black olives red onions onions thin crust spinach pie..

02:22 - Thing 2

Pizza ipsum dolor amet stuffed garlic parmesan mozzarella, melted cheese parmesan pepperoni black olives red onions onions thin crust spinach pie..

07:11 - Thing 4

Pizza ipsum dolor amet stuffed garlic parmesan mozzarella, melted cheese parmesan pepperoni black olives red onions onions thin crust spinach pie..


They Lack Purpose, Clarity, & Direction

A Lack of Purpose

Pizza ipsum dolor amet dolore tempor pizza anim garlic sauce melted cheese in.

Garlic sauce large pariatur sint laboris ranchextra cheese.

Banana peppers magna pariatur minim, do sausage deep crust pie occaecat garlic sint extra sauce cupidatat broccoli.

Reprehenderit sausage magna spinach lasagna pork, chicken wing proident incididunt pizza roll.

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No Clarity 

Pizza ipsum dolor amet dolore tempor pizza anim garlic sauce melted cheese in.

Garlic sauce large pariatur sint laboris ranchextra cheese.

Banana peppers magna pariatur minim, do sausage deep crust pie occaecat garlic sint extra sauce cupidatat broccoli.

Reprehenderit sausage magna spinach lasagna pork, chicken wing proident incididunt pizza roll.

Aimless With No Direction

Pizza ipsum dolor amet dolore tempor pizza anim garlic sauce melted cheese in.

Garlic sauce large pariatur sint laboris ranchextra cheese.

Banana peppers magna pariatur minim, do sausage deep crust pie occaecat garlic sint extra sauce cupidatat broccoli.

Reprehenderit sausage magna spinach lasagna pork, chicken wing proident incididunt pizza roll.

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Master Your Scenes Even If It's Your First Time Writing! 

It's not complicated and SUPER Simple! 

  • ​Benefit #1: Feature - Benefit - Meaning
  • Benefit #2: Feature - Benefit - Meaning
  • Benefit #3: Feature - Benefit - Meaning
  • Benefit #4: Feature - Benefit - Meaning


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YES! 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

  • ​YOUR MONEY BACK: If you aren't completely satisfied we'll give you no money back... one questions asked!
  • ​YOUR MONEY BACK: If you aren't completely satisfied we'll give you yno money back... two questions asked!
  • ​YOUR MONEY BACK: If you aren't completely satisfied we'll give you no money back... three questions asked!


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Master Your Characters

($27 VALUE)

Master Your Scenes with this wonderful e-book that has great information and wonderful stuff to look at and dive into to make your scenes a whole lot better than the avergae author. 

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Master Your Dialogue

($37 VALUE)

Master Your Scenes with this wonderful e-book that has great information and wonderful stuff to look at and dive into to make your scenes a whole lot better than the avergae author. 

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Master Your POV

($47 VALUE)

Master Your Scenes with this wonderful e-book that has great information and wonderful stuff to look at and dive into to make your scenes a whole lot better than the avergae author. 

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EVERYTHING You Recieve When You Choose To Master Your Scenes!

  • ​​Daily Live Trainings with Julian A. Cox                                          ($797 Value)
  • ​Monthly Group Accountability Calls                                               ($397 Value)
  • ​Master Your Characters                                                                           ($27 Value)
  • ​Master Your Dialogue                                                                               ($37 Value)
  • ​​Master Your POV                                                                                        ($47 Value)
  • ​YOUR FULL EXPERIENCE                                                                       ... Priceless
  • ​​Daily Live Trainings with Julian A. Cox    ($797 Value)
  • Monthly Group Accountability Calls        ($397 Value)
  • Master Your Characters                                  ($27 Value)
  • Master Your Dialogue                                      ($37 Value)
  • ​​Master Your POV                                                ($47 Value)
  • YOUR FULL EXPERIENCE                               ... Priceless

Total Value: $1987

All For Just:


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"The 3 Day Writing Challenege helped me gain clarity on my book scenes"

"I participated in the 3-Day Writing Challenge because it helpsto clear through the noise and find out how to actually write your scenes in a no nonsense way.  after the three days I was able to gain clairty on the direction of my book! 

I launched my book into the world and whiel no one bought it I am exoreemely happy with all the progress I made. Well I can't lie but my mom bought my book. She truyl is the best. 

In conclusion, you can't live without doing this challenge. It will engage your mind and help you master your scenes and break past the clutter of life."

-Lenise D

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"I won the Giveaway!"

"I was the one who won the big prize of the giveaway in this challenge and that combined with the three days this challenge more than delivered in value for me. I thought I wasn't goign to win but look at me now. A winner in knwoeledge and life."

-Deorge G

"It was hard but rewarding"

"I felt this challenge was super challengeing but it was all worth doing it. I pushed my self more than I've ever done and I'm super great afterwards! "

-Zeronica V




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"The 3 Day Writing Challenege helped me gain clarity on my book scenes"

"I participated in the 3-Day Writing Challenge because it helpsto clear through the noise and find out how to actually write your scenes in a no nonsense way.  after the three days I was able to gain clairty on the direction of my book! 

I launched my book into the world and whiel no one bought it I am exoreemely happy with all the progress I made. Well I can't lie but my mom bought my book. She truyl is the best. 

In conclusion, you can't live without doing this challenge. It will engage your mind and help you master your scenes and break past the clutter of life."

-Lenise D

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"I won the Giveaway!"

"I was the one who won the big prize of the giveaway in this challenge and that combined with the three days this challenge more than delivered in value for me. I thought I wasn't goign to win but look at me now. A winner in knwoeledge and life."

-Deorge G

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"It was hard but rewarding"

"I felt this challenge was super challengeing but it was all worth doing it. I pushed my self more than I've ever done and I'm super great afterwards! "

-Zeronica V



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